What is ComMAYdore?
With the success of such events as DOScember, SEPTandy and MARCHintosh, why shouldn't the Commodore retrocomputing community have their own month to share their passion for classic Commodore computers?

And that's where you come in...

We're asking that content creators from all communities and platforms - even folks who don't normally produce Commodore retrocomputing content - work together to help spread the word about #ComMAYdore - a month-long event starting on Saturday May 1st 2021.

"Who can participate, and what media / content platforms are welcome?"
Anyone, anywhere! Since this is the first year for the event, we really need to do our best to cast the net as wide as possible to attract community engagement, so wherever you showcase your content is the perfect platform to get the word out. YouTube / Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Podcasts / Twitch - are all welcome!

"What sort of content are you looking for?"
Since #ComMAYdore is all about Commodore retrocomputing, we'd really like to see content focusing on the Commodore 64, PET, VIC-20, C128, C16, Plus/4, Commodore Colt PC and Amiga era of classic Commodore.

"So how can I help?"
The easiest way to help is to share the hashtag #ComMAYdore in the weeks leading up to the kick-off. Then if you're able, commit to producing at least one video / photo diary / podcast episode (or whatever your speciality is) using the event's theme, artwork, and hashtag during the month of May - the earlier in the month the better to make sure we have a strong start.
